
Senior Competition - Casual Rego


+ $0.40 shipping

This payment is for a casual player in one of our Monday or Wednesday night teams.
NOTE - Please ensure you have registered to the Casual Player Team in Mysideline and paid the $22 Insurance fee for your first casual rego of the season or you are not covered for Injuries nor affiliation (refer to Competition Admin for details).
- Casual Rego players are not entitled to play finals. If you wish to play finals, you need to register as a permanent player to your team. Any casual rego payments you have made will be deducted. Please refer to your competition admin if you wish to become a permanent player.
- Please make sure you write your name and add your Teamapp receipt number to the sign on sheet which will be at the at the fields prior to your game. We will be checking games to ensure all players are registered (points will be deducted if unfinancial).
Thank you
Shipping costs of $0.40 cover Teamapp fees

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